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Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet

Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet? How to Solve iPhone Error That Can't Connect the Internet. Some of you must have experienced the iPhone you have can not connect to the Internet, so you feel upset because all work requires Internet connectivity.

There are many things that make your iPhone can not connect with the internet, most iPhone users will see an Error message that shows the occurrence of interference or due to the wrong setting of the iPhone internet.

To solve this iphone problem, there are several ways or tricks that you can do either using a simple or complicated way, namely by restoring iOS on your iPhone.

The first way you can do is check the data connection on the iPhone that you have activated by going to the Settings menu – >General – cellular > and make sure that you have activated Cellular Data. 

In addition, you also make sure that you have enabled 3G and do not forget to make sure that Data Roaming has been activated.

Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet
The second way is to use AirPlane Mode first. Wait a minute and then you disable AirPlane Mode again. This is useful for fishing for 3G/GPRS signals on iPhone.

After you disable AirPlane Mode make sure that there is a 3G or GPRS symbol on your iPhone indicating that your internet data is active.

Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet
Then for the third way is to open the Settings – Carrier – Network Selection menu, please activate the Automatic option, then later the iPhone will automatically search for signals from the operator you use.

Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet
The Fourth Way, you can do this if the way all above still does not produce results, namely by doing a network setting reset by opening the Settings – General – Reset menu and then you choose Reset Network Settings. You don't have to worry about doing this will not make your data will be lost, because this only resets your iPhone's Selluler network only.

Why is my iPhone not connecting to the Internet
Well if the above method still does not give results in connecting the Internet, then you can use the last way, namely by restoring / updating the iPhone through iTunes on the computer.

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